Ashton Yao’s Football Journey

From Ashton Yao’s own words, his journey to the world of football is a unique one. An international student from Suzhou, Eastern China, Yao never had the opportunity to train or compete at a high level when he was younger. However, he never lost his passion for sports. As a teenager, he made time for activities like swimming, long jump, shot put, and basketball, even training every night after school despite a rigorous academic schedule.

( Yao’s fascination with the American college basketball system led him to explore the possibility of playing in the NCAA as an international athlete. His dream became a reality when he was accepted to Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas. He is currently in his senior year, majoring in finance.

While his friends and peers thought he would be interested in football due to his size… Yao had to try it out for himself. In his sophomore year, Yao decided to take the plunge and try out for the SMU Mustangs football team. The competition was tough, “with around 40 people vying for a spot on the roster.” However, “Yao’s determination and hard work paid off.”.. as he was one of the two individuals who made the cut. (myfoxzone.


Reference: Found here

Growing up in Suzhou in Eastern China, Yao said, “I never had any chance to train or compete on a high level.”
While he focused on school, he always made time for sports like swimming, long jump, shot put, and basketball.


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